Monday, July 8, 2013

And We're Back

Had a week long interruption in programming thanks to google bots mistaking snark with spam.

But hey, looking at the bright side, it means that we have not all been replaced by the great robot empire.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Ron Jeremy's Keg

Holy slippery vaginas Batman, that's a big drum of lube. Now we know who the Playboy Mansion and Bunny Ranch trust for all their moist party solutions.

It comes complete with a pump as well. Hey, in this economy, $1200 bucks for a 55 gallon drum is more expensive than gas, so they better be willing to toss something else in there.

Rehab Your Sex Addiction

When celebrities get caught with his pants down and got the best rehab *cough*resort*cough* money could buy. Give it a little time (what's the media attention span these days David Duchovny?) and they come out certified 100% sex free until they screw up again.

So what do us common folk do? We don't end up on the pages of TMZ, but tend to get those pesky arrest sheets that employers seem so nosy about. Thankfully there is a program available in book form or your kindle that will do the same job.

Liquid Ass

Finally, a product for three on a Friday afternoon when everyone is looking for an excuse to get out of the office.
Sure, Liquid Ass is more expensive than the tried and true beans with cabbage solution, but this averts having to actually eat beans and cabbage.